Guest Post: Place Settings by Gregory Frost

This post being a reminder and a potential writing prompt for hitting the keys today. I have a month left to finish this quarter’s story for writers of the future and I have every intention of having an awesome story.

Clarion Blog

So…a few years back I was teaching a general “boot-camp” style writing class for the Philadelphia Writers’ Conference, and at PWC teaching a workshop means that I have to read and critique some manuscripts as well. Frankly, the reading and critiquing stories or partials takes me ten times as long as any prep for standing up in front of an audience to talk about writing.

This particular year, one of the manuscripts was a story that was set, ostensibly, in a florist shop in Naples, Italy. In the submitted 15 pages there was not a single description of place. I mean, not even a generic “flower-shop-anywhere” sort of description. The story, whatever it was about, might as well have been taking place on a nude stage, devoid of a single prop. Without setting, it was a story presented in a vacuum.

When confronted with this news, the writer defended herself…

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