Tag Archives: blizzard

AWP Conference

This is going to be snow much fun!

If I can get there. I’m fighting the midwest blizzard–the technical term, not hyperbole–to get to d.c. At the moment, my flight is the last one the airport is letting out for the day. I was scheduled to leave tomorrow, but I’m gonna try and brave it. With the other ten people who have showed up to my gate. Now twelve. Actually, a couple bespectacled ladies have the bemused, slightly-lost-but-always-wise Professor Trelawny look of some of my favourite English teachers. One actually has those beaded chains that attach to glasses. Her beads are purple.

Plane status: on time (though it’s not at the gate…hmm…)
Visibility: minimal
Physical status: hungry. Ate my apple already.

And a few more arrive….

We’ll see.


[edit: I arrived. Now I’ll do writerly things like homework. Or writing.]


she's being devoted.

she’s being devoted.